BArich Taiwan-A national university in Taiwan was commissioned over the summer by the Ministry of Education (MOE), to launch an international exchange program allowing foreign students to enroll on short-term courses and take vocational internships.

The two-month Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) offered by the College of Management at National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung City, enabled foreign students to participate in teams consulting selected enterprises during the summer vacation and learn about the operations of Taiwanese companies.

The program also offered foreign students courses in Chinese language studies, as wells as opportunities to exchange work experience with Taiwanese counterparts and visit local economic and cultural sites, as a way of broadening their understanding of Taiwan.

Each participant received a scholarship of NT$10,000 (US$306) per month. In return, participants provided information about their respective countries to the Taiwanese enterprises that funded the exchange program.

The program, which concluded on Friday, attracted 18 foreign students from Vietnam, Indonesia, Honduras, Botswana and El Salvador.

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